
Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Coronavirus (Covid-19)

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) ,Lockdown time, Monalisa, mask 
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading quickly and will continue to spread for a while. More than 1.5 million confirmed cases globally, Coronavirus has taken the lives of over 92,000 people( As per WHO data).
COVID-19 originated from Wuhan in China has now spread to over 199 countries. The disease continued to surge across the world. It has affected the life of millions of people who don't have money for survival during coronavirus pandemic. 
Due to increasing number of infected people, hospitals are demanding uninterrupted supplies of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), ventilators and drugs to treat intensive care patients.

What are the Symptoms ?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually.

What are the Precautions?

1. Wash your hands Frequently.
2. Maintain social distancing.
3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
4. Practice respiratory hygiene.
5. Stay at home to help yourself and others.

Need motivation during the Coronavirus lockdown ?

1. Create your youtube channel and post videos related to music, fashion, acting etc.
Motivation youtube image

2. Write poems, easy Instagram quotes & post with images.


3. Clean your house and organise your wardrobe.

Cleaning house & Wardrobe

4. Spend time with family and create memories.

family time and memories

5. Watch childhood movies with your family.

childhood movies

6. Try fitness challenges and #tags it on social media like Facebook & Instagram and get fan following.

fitness challenge

7. Play your favourite instrument and master your tune.

play instruments like guitar, drums

8. Enhance your cooking skills to impress everyone at home.

cooking recipes

9. Write blog about your best buddies & life experiences and
share it.
blog writing

10. Gain knowledge on things which you thought to learn someday.
gain online knowledge

Lockdown is best time to improve ourselves, throw away negativity and do something positive. It's the time when you can upgrade to next level by doing something which you thought of and never did. Best time to be with family and motivate everyone to stay calm. 
It's the time when we can live our lost passion and stay motivated creating lots and lots of memories. 
Definitely, we will win the battle with COVID-19.

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