Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Immune System-Pathogens-Immunity Booster : Q&A

Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen, body defence

People are trying to know more about immunity these days. 

Experts say that if your immunity is good, you can save yourself from coronavirus. In reality, the pandemic has become the real challenge for survival. 

Urban lifestyle has changed drastically in the past 50 years compared to changes in the past 1000 years. All credits go to industrialization and fast-paced lifestyle and the internet. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Father's Day 2020 Quotes

Father's Day Quotes  2020, fathers day, Father's Day, When Father's Day is, father's day gifts, father's day when, quotes, father's day card

When Father's Day Is In 2020?

Father's Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June and that's 21st June since 1910. Earlier it was celebrated on 19th June. Father's day is celebrated in the honour of fatherhood. It's the day when you acknowledge the respect to one of the most important person in the house. 

Also, people pay respect to those who played father figure roles in their life by guiding and caring as a real father.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dexamethasone: Life-Saving Steroid For COVID-19 Treatment

Dexamethasone: Life Saving Steroid For COVID-19 Treatment

Steroid Dexamethasone is the new drug for COVID-19 treatment. Till now the most effective widely available medicine as claimed by British investigators. It was included in WHO's (World Health Organisation) essential drug list in 1977.

Who is making Steroid Dexamethasone?

Indian Drug Companies are making this drug for ages. The largest manufactures in India is Cadila Healthcare (Also known as Zydus Cadila.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

FASHION NOVA - Influencer Marketing Fashion Blockbuster

FASHION NOVA - Influencer Marketing Fashion Blockbuster, cardi b, kylie jenner, kim kardashian west , fashion nova fit, fashion nova curve, instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest

Everyone knows that the world is hit by coronavirus but most of us don't know that something super crazy & ultra-fast brand is breaking all records over social media amidst pandemic. The number #1 viral brand on social media is 'Fashion Nova' right now.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Can I Use Google AdSense & Amazon Affiliate Ads on Same Page ?

Can I Use Google AdSense & Amazon Affiliate Ads on Same Page ?

What boomed during the COVID-19 pandemic is digital presence over the internet. Every day millions of blogs & websites are coming up online like mushrooms with loads of content over-flooding the internet. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

COVID-19 pandemic spread has left the world nowhere in economic growth & pushing back the global sustainable goals for the year 2020. It is obvious that the recession will come this year based on the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ) report. 

Global commodity production and sales got the worst hit due to the shockwaves of the unprecedented coronavirus crisis. 

UN trade report predicted the loss of trillions of dollars due to coronavirus pandemic. Two-third of the global population belongs to the developing countries which took the worst hit by the pandemic. 
Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Rating agencies have started showing lower credit ratings to many developing nations. Investors are scared to invest due to the decreased commodity export and cash flow problems.


One fine morning news came out that some unknown virus is spreading in Chinese city -Wuhan. Every passing by group, students, couples were discussing the same deadly virus. 

Boy at cookie counter in the mall was observing and was sure, thinking that, thank god it's not in my country. At least people won't stop eating the cookies at his shop in the mall if the virus spreads as cookies come under the food category.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

He was sure about his immunity as he is vegetarian and he uses turmeric, awala(Indian gooseberry), tulsi, and many more immune boosting healthy foods in his daily diet, and use to worship every day. He doesn't drink alcohol!

If the coronavirus spreads then his manager won't fire him or stop paying his salary, his next thought. He was very confident about his dedication and trust in his manager and the company.

But the growing number of infected people and death news from all around the world brought fear in him. He discussed it with other store crews working in the same mall during the lunch hour to know more about it. No one had the clue and someone among the group spoke about positive thoughts, belief in government, culture, values, trust in God, etc etc to boost each other's morale. 

But within a few days, the government declared the complete shut down of all the malls and shopping complexes to stop public gathering & spread of coronavirus. 

Many like him lost their jobs during the nation wise lockdown. The new race of controlling the contagion, vaccine researches & trials began.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Every kind of business got a negative impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Thousands of job losses across the country led low-income migrants to move back to their natives due to the long list of bills & food crisis. 

Few were still trying to survive on a single meal a day in the hope that news will come for reopening of the malls and shopping complex. They skipped meals but they can't skip paying their rent and other bills. Life was never so cruel before, humanity cried for sustainability during the lockdown.

Many of them came on the road to return to their native place empty-handed. Many had to walk thousands of kilometer with family and kids on the shoulder. Many were clueless and confused about transport facilities from the government. And many died during this long march due to hunger, thirst & accidents.
Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution
     Representational Image. Image Courtesy- HuffPost India

Question is how a country should solve these complex issues within no time to help people whose families are dependent on everyday earnings.

The article is about how quickly we must respond to the unprecedented crisis to help millions of people from these kinds of a global crisis.

What big malls & shopping complexes should do keeping the worst situations in mind if this kind of crisis happens again in the future? How they can avoid situations like a pandemic, flash mob, fire, or anything which can directly or indirectly affect its operations, sales & growth.

Below is the way forward solutions for malls and shopping complexes to change the shopping experience completely with assured health safety as the priority.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Malls and shopping complexes are made at huge investments. Where every square feet area is squeezed out to earn money for its investors and shareholders. 

Every EBOs (Exclusive Brand Outlets) & MBOs (Multi Brand Outlets) & food retail formats try to cash out every counted foot inside their outlet. The front end always faces huge pressure on the customer conversion rate by giving best shopping experience.

The retail market is completely dependent on everyday sales. The everyday target will be set up on the board each morning and weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports will be generated based on those everyday sales.

Every government is trying hard to reopen every possible businesses to get back the economy on track. The government is investing billions and re-structuring pandemic policies to revive the economy by creating a post-pandemic business ecosystem.

Coronavirus pandemic taught every business across the globe to study its old method and continuously upgrade it to a level where nobody suffers in the future. 

Future business sustainability policies should be made in an order to prepare malls, shopping complexes and other business hubs to sustain during this kind of unwanted situation.

How To Upgrade Malls And Shopping Complex

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Every mall and shopping complex gets more than a thousand foot-fall every day. Every aspect to ease the shopping experience should be designed in a way that it can withstand any unwanted situation. 

Earlier, the most important thing for a mall or shopping complex was to provide:

1) Best shopping experience (Top priority)
2) Safety 
3) Security

But now the world looks different as the countries started lifting up the lockdown. Health safety will be on top priority in the future and crowed will move away from places that won't provide health safety.

Below are the top health safety measures in which the investor should spend in to bring back the shoppers:

1) Checkin & Checkout Registration: To control customer density in the mall, there must be an online registration system. It will be easy to control the flash mob or sudden increase in the number of people entering the mall.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

2) Screening at Entry: There must be intensive screening at the entry gate of the mall which must include temperature screening, Sanitizing tunnel, sanitizing mat, Automatic hand sanitizer dispensing machine.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

3) Touchless Parking: App-based parking system will help in quick and touchless parking and payment. 
Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

4) Lift Operator: Lift operators will be required to help people for movement.

5) UV Sterilization: UV light sterilization will be required inside the mall and outlets at regular intervals to destroy any virus or bacteria floating in the air or on any surface.
UV- sterilizing chambers must be used by every store to sterilize every merchandise before and after trial and packing for delivery. 

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

6) Social Distancing Signages: Floor signage inside the lift & washrooms to maintain physical distancing. Floor signages inside the mall to maintain proper distance must not be ignored.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

7) No Open & Self Service Food Court: App-based table booking at food court should be practiced. Self-service at the food court should be stopped and there should be proper glass division between the tables to maintain physical distancing. 

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

App-based food selection can reduce crowed density at food counters.

8) Employee Health Record: Every mall must track & maintain the health records of every employee. Health checkup before hiring should be done to trace any health-related history.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

9) Contact Point Hygiene: Every contact point must be cleaned humanly after service. 

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

10) Face Shield: Face shield should be used by employees at the service area and counters where direct interaction with customer is required.

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution
                                          Al Bello | Getty Images

11) Shopping Experience Questionnaire: There must be a user experience questionnaire inbuilt in the check-in registration app to track on the implementation of rules and regulations based on customer feedback. 

Future of Mall & Shopping Complex Business - Problem & Solution

Health friendly malls and shopping complexes should be designed in the future to counter pandemic kind of situation. 

It's true that Shopping at malls and complexes gives psychological healing to most of the population which loves going out and trying out things by touching and experiencing.

Initially, it may look difficult for users and it may be expensive for investors and mall management but following guidelines & social distancing will be a new way to live in the future. 

It might seem difficult but it's not impossible. The future always needs investment. You can't survive if you don't have savings & investment for the future.

The best part of every challenge is that every resource to solve the challenge is around us. We just need to look around and make our decisions.

Humans are made to struggle and survive and move forward in the future to create the future for the future.

Author-Pramod Kumar


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