Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ministry of Home Affairs : Guidelines for Shop opening in India

Guidelines from the Ministry of Home Affairs has been updated on 24 April 2020, based on the current situation of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. 

MHA has issued fresh orders for opening of shops in a detailed guideline in India. The guidelines are issued to help the population which is dependent on income from shops. The order is giving big relief to small shopkeepers during this pandemic lockdown.
The lockdown has been extended till 3rd of May 2020 but based on situation and hotspot locations, the government is actively trying to bring relief for the second largest population in the world.

 The term 'shopping complexes' has been replaced with the term 'market complexes within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities'.

Shops registered under Shops and Establishment Act of the respective state/UT, including shops in residential complexes and market complexes except shop in multi-brand and single brand malls, outside the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities with 50% strength of workers with wearing of masks and social distancing being mandatory can open from 24-04-2020.

Shops in neighbourhood and standalone shops, shops in residential complexes
within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities with 50% strength of workers with wearing of masks and social distancing being mandatory can open from 24-04-2020, registered under Shops and Establishment Act of the respective state/UT. Except shops in market complexes, multi-brand and single brand malls.


The guidelines are being updated on a regular basis after reviewing the conditions of coronavirus infected areas. There will be complete lockdown in hotspots identified by the health ministry until further improvement in those areas.

Decisions are being made to help the population and to bring back the economy on track. The complete lockdown of 21 days was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24th March 2020. And after review and increasing cases of coronavirus patients, lockdown has been extended till 3rd may 2020. 

Controlling the 2nd largest population of the world is not an easy task but the Government led by Prime Minister Modi has proved that a clear vision and planning can handle any situation. A country with poor medical infrastructure and weak healthcare policies has handled the situation in an unbelievable way. 

Every country in the world is following India to handle the global pandemic. Nations with the best medical infrastructures and policies are failing to handle the situation. 

Lockdown decisions made at the right time worked for India. Indian government is taking every decision with utmost care. Initial 21 days lockdown decision has helped India to slow down the spread of coronavirus and based on that the government is trying to help the population. Benefiting farmers, daily wage workers, small-scale industries and many more.

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